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Identity and culture
of the Grup Núñez i Navarro

Our values define us as a Group and outline the path we want to follow. They are the ethical principles that determine our identity and our culture, as well as the model of behavior to be followed by each and every member of our team.

Valores Grup NN


Committed to excellence

We tirelessly search to achieve the highest quality in both our products and services. And, at Grup Núñez i Navarro, quality, undeniably, goes hand in hand with the latest in sustainability, technology, and digitalization.

To achieve this, we are constantly evolving. Because being at the forefront of excellence is the driving force that compels us to be better every day.

Personalization, trust, and a team of expert professionals are the foundation of our daily work, which has allowed us to help thousands of people find their ideal home, the best premises for their business, the office of their dreams, or the best stay in our hotels and parking facilities.


People are the most important

At Núñez i Navarro Group, we are a family business and it's clear to us that we are people working for other people. That's why we place you at the heart of our business development, because our mission is linked to your well-being.

This principle is not only applied externally, with integrity and a clear focus on value, but also internally, by promoting the well-being of the people who work with us as well as their training and professional development within the Group.

NN Group humanity


Growing alongside Barcelona

Barcelona is the city that saw us born and grow. That's why we have been committed to it for over 75 years, because it is both our source of inspiration and our challenge, and because we want to continue growing alongside it. And for that reason, we also work for our beloved city with the utmost social and environmental responsibility.

For this reason, we also restore architectural gems that are our legacy and that of future generations, which explain who we have been and how we will be, which is our living history. Because Barcelona is history, culture, and a unique charm and character that must be discovered.

NN Group Barcelona