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Organize your home effectively, and no excuses!

Written in 29/03/20 · Reading time: 2 minutes
Augustus' Way

Más allá de las cuestiones estéticas, mantener la casa limpia y ordenada influye directamente en nuestro bienestar físico y emocional y, además, determina el ánimo con el que vamos a afrontar nuestro día a día. Está demostrado que ordenar nuestro hogar, puede ser el primer paso que nos motive a poner orden en otras áreas de nuestra vida que nos ayudarán a ser un poco más felices.

The challenging part is always taking the first step and knowing where to begin so that our goal becomes a reality and doesn't fall into the trap of procrastination. In this regard, we find many authors who in recent years have shown us, through their books and teachings, various effective methods of organization, all aimed at providing the keys and tricks that will make the task more manageable. We leave you with two of the most popular methods so you can choose the one that best suits you, no more excuses!

Flylady Method

KonMari Method, by Marie Kondo

The Japanese guru Marie Kondo, an organizing consultant and author of the bestseller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, introduced in 2015 a tidying system that highlighted the importance of keeping our homes and lives organized. The KonMari Method is based on 4 principles that will help us to structure our plan for organization:

Get rid of what you don't use. The first step before organizing is to dispose of what we no longer use or want. To make the task easier, it is recommended to sort items into 3 piles: one for things we wish to keep, another for those we no longer want to keep, and a third for items that need repair or fixing. For objects that make us hesitate, we can put them in a box, close it, and write the date on it. If after a year we haven't opened it, it means we don't need them, so we can either discard or give them away directly. We must remember that to avoid having to get rid of things, the best strategy is not to accumulate them in the first place.

Organize by categories. It's better not to sort by rooms but by categories or groups of objects, this way we'll have a much more comprehensive and accurate view of what we have and it will be easier to decide what we want to keep and what not. Remember: a place for everything and everything in its place.

First, tackle the easiest tasks. This will prevent us from giving up at the first hurdle. You can start by organizing clothes, then books, papers, kitchenware, etc. Leave photos and mementos for last, as they are often the hardest to part with. To make it easier to locate items once they are organized, the KonMari method recommends using storage spaces with compartments to keep all items neatly organized without mixing them up.

Do everything at once. It's the best way to get immediate results and keep motivation high. It's about making a first, as extensive and comprehensive as possible, intervention, and then trying to maintain order on a daily basis. Tip: incorporate the following rule into our daily lives 'for every new thing you want to bring into the house, one or two must leave first.'

And if you're looking for inspiration to create your home, visit our model apartments on the website. You'll find a variety of new construction apartments, for both purchase and rent. Your new home is waiting for you!