Pol Montserrat: “For NN Shutters, I chose to draw people, as if the mural were a mirror reflecting what happens on the street”
His work was chosen to inaugurate the series of murals for the NN Shutters project, which in 2019 was launched by the Núñez i Navarro Group with the aim of improving the environment of Barcelona through urban art. Without a doubt, the artist and illustrator Pol Montserrat, perfectly captured the purpose and materialized it on the shutter of the NN Parking at Plaça Bonsuccés in the Ciutat Vella, creating a highly personal composition that catches the eye of passersby. And that, surely, also brings out more than one smile due to the closeness and honesty with which the work reflects the reality of the neighborhood and its people.
Since he started in the world of illustration, Pol Montserrat has managed to create his own style, essentially abstract, symbolic, and very conceptual. A language full of simple shapes and spots that uses techniques such as gouache, watercolor, or Chinese ink to generate blurred images and imprecise shapes that invite the viewer to interpret and take them into their own personal realm. Today we discover alongside him what the creation process of his NN Shutters mural was like.
Pol, tell us how your vocation for drawing or art began.
Since I was about 5 years old. My parents signed me up for painting classes as an extracurricular activity. And I've been doing it ever since. It's a natural part of my life. That led me to study Graphic Design later on.
How would you define your style?
I always try to work on illustration from an honest and simple perspective. I draw things as I see them. Without too much artifice. I'm interested in doing something relatively abstract, as long as what's being represented is understandable.
Do you think the work should be easily understood or left open to interpretation?
I think it's subjective. It's good that everyone can understand it in their own way.
What drives you to draw?
It's something I enjoy and I've managed to make it my job. I don't want to sound unromantic, but all the work I do is commissioned and it takes up my entire workday.
Es treballa de la mateixa forma per a un gran client que per a un més petit?
En general sí, perquè jo treballo per a estudis de disseny que fan d'intermediaris i em contracten. Jo no noto si és un gran client o no.
D'on treus la inspiració per a dibuixar? Què és el que més t'inspira?
No sabria dir-te. Cada encàrrec és diferent i apareix la inspiració per llocs diferents. En general el que faig quan rebo un encàrrec és fer molts dibuixos i vaig provant coses. No és que estigui creuat de braços i tingui un brot d'inspiració que em porti a fer una cosa concreta. Em poso a dibuixar i veig el que funciona bé i el que no.
Com va ser l'encàrrec rebut de Xavier Franquesa per a NN Shutters?
Doncs em va demanar que li fes una proposta que fos del meu estil per a una persiana d'un pàrquing de Núñez i Navarro. Com a requisits només em van posar que anés alguna cosa que pogués conviure amb el carrer i amb l'edifici en el qual estava situat i que utilitzés colors dins de la gamma dels colors corporatius de Núñez i Navarro
Com defineixes l'obra que vas fer en la persiana de Bonsuccés.
La meva idea era reflectir una zona tan transitada i de pas com la plaça Bonsuccés. Per això vaig apostar per dibuixar gent. M'agradava representar-los com si la persiana fos un mirall que reflectís el que succeeix al carrer. Com el mirall del Maremàgnum.
Did you have a clear idea from the beginning or did it take you time to come to that conclusion?
I considered other options, but this one made the most sense and best suited the nature of the space.
The shutter was operational the whole time while you were painting, right?
Yes, indeed there was quite a bit of movement. That's what happens when you paint the door of a parking garage.
And what did the neighbors say while you were painting?
Well, there was a bit of everything. Some asked me why I was painting. Others didn't like it much and questioned me. I was focused on my work, but I enjoyed sensing the people's feedback when I took breaks or cleaned my brushes.
Besides this shutter, had you worked on large formats before?
Yes, I did a map of Barcelona for the Barcelona Design Week live in 2018. I also did another mural in the bathrooms of the Mercat dels Flors.
How do you see the artistic landscape of BCN in your field?
Because I see it very well. There is a lot of activity and initiatives like this help a great deal. It's very interesting for people like me, who usually work on paper, to switch to the other side.
In this sense, how has it been for you to transition from a drawing on paper to a large format like a shutter?
It has been a challenge, honestly. I made a kind of grid to be able to maintain the proportions of the large drawing, but it has been a great experience because it forces me to look for solutions and give my best.
We invite you to discover the making-of video here.