Grup NN · NN living

The house is ready after the holidays

Written in 25/08/20 · Reading time: 3 minutes
No Living

Llega septiembre y, aunque hay quien todavía acumula algunos días de vacaciones, lo cierto es que, para la gran mayoría, ha llegado el momento de entrar de nuevo en la rutina de un mes en el que todo vuelve a ponerse en marcha: el trabajo, el gimnasio, la escuela y por supuesto, las labores del hogar. Y es que, en nuestros días de descanso, lo más probable es que hayamos estado más tiempo fuera de casa, de modo que las tareas de limpieza y orden se han quedado apartadas o en un absoluto segundo plano. Por eso, ahora es el momento perfecto para hacer un repaso general de toda la casa. Sabemos que la idea no te entusiasma, pero con organización y algunos sencillos trucos podremos volver a poner nuestra casa a punto y prepararla para la llegada de los meses fríos. Y el resultado, bien merece la pena. ¡Toma nota!

The first thing upon returning: air out the house

It's common that when we leave for a few days, we completely close all doors and windows, so that upon returning we can notice the atmosphere being much heavier and denser. Fortunately, the solution is very easy and quick: as soon as you get home remember to immediately open blinds, windows, and doors to properly air out the house. Allowing the air to completely renew and the sunlight to enter the home again will also help us feel better and more energized.

Unpack your bags as soon as possible!

If you want to avoid piles of clothes and various items around the house for days, it's important to unpack and organize all the luggage as soon as possible. The best approach is to place each item in its spot as you take it out, preferably on the same day you arrive. Once everything is neatly organized back in its place, it will be easier to do any necessary laundry. Without a doubt, having a clear house and the suitcases put away will be a great incentive to continue preparing your home.

Take the opportunity and organize your closet

The moment of washing and organizing the clothes we took on vacation can also be the perfect opportunity to start preparing for the wardrobe change. There's still plenty of time before the cold arrives, but we can take the chance to start putting away the summer clothes we know we won't use anymore and begin to take out the mid-season garments. This will allow us to plan ahead for the items we'll need for the new season and discard those that are no longer useful or to our liking.

Make the shopping list

It's very likely that before you left for vacation, you emptied your fridge, so now it's time to restock it. Take the opportunity to plan a good shopping trip and, before heading to the supermarket, make a list of all the products you need; this way your visit will be quicker and more efficient. Oh! And if your summer was full of indulgences, remember to include healthy foods that allow you to prepare a balanced menu.

Spacious penthouse

Cleaning review

Before we leave for vacation, it's likely that we've done a thorough cleaning of the house so we can find it clean when we return. If that's your case, now you have it easy. You'll just need to do a check to make sure everything is still perfect and simply do a maintenance overview of each room. But if you weren't so foresighted before leaving, now it's time to clean deeply to get everything ready. Remember to start with the bathrooms and kitchen, which are usually the most labor-intensive areas of the house to clean, so the rest of the tasks like dusting, sweeping, cleaning windows, or mopping the floor will be much more manageable.

Augustus' Way

Start taking care of your plants again

Surely, if you have plants at home, before going on vacation you asked a neighbor or friend to water them, or perhaps you set up some automatic watering system. Now that you have returned, it's time to put them back in their usual place and give them some extra care and pampering, such as additional watering or cleaning their leaves.

Give your home a fresh new look!

Returning from vacation is a perfect time to redecorate your home and fill it with renewed energy. It's not necessary to make a big transformation, but surely some new cushions, fresh sheets, or placing some beautiful flowers will help you give your home a new vibe and, without a doubt, will make the return much more pleasant.